

Annemarie Waugh is a British American visual artist

My artwork is a series of experiments 
My artwork is layered
My artwork is research based
My artwork is full of color
My artwork glides across disciplines
My artwork is driven by wordplay
My artwork is this poem
My art is hunting & gathering

My work emerges in the interdisciplinary space of painting, social practice, & poetry. I’m currently hunting & gathering Britishness, going back a long(long) way.



Annemarie Waugh is a British born, New York-based visual artist, designer and educator working in painting, and installation with a dash of text art dropped in. Waugh explores topics of aging, British Englishness and the climate crisis. Her practice encompasses research based works, and public projects that involve community participation.

Waugh received her MFA in Studio Art from Stony Brook University and BA (Hons) from Central Saint Martins. Based on the Northshore of Long Island, she has exhibited her work at venues including MOCA LI, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Patchogue, Christie’s and The Royal College of Art, London, Orchard Street Gallery, NYC, Front Street Gallery, Brooklyn, Farmingdale State College, The Islip Museum, The Zuccaire Gallery, You + Me, Artist Films, Berlin, The Long Island Museum, Gallery North, Serendip Gallery, Kobe, Japan, Aferro Gallery, NJ, and Chase Contemporary, Bridgehampton among others.

Stony Brook University, MFA Studio Art
Stony Brook Southampton, Creative Writing Advanced Certificate
Central Saint Martins, BA (Hons) London  

Residencies, Workshops, Sponsorships and Fellowships
2025 - Quattro Archi, Italy (Forthcoming)
2025 - Robert Blackburn printmaking workshop, NYC
2024 - The Potato Farm Project, Jamesport, NY 
2024 - Masterclass, Anderson Ranch, Snowmass, Colorado
2023 - Newnan Art Residency, Newnan, Georgia
2021 - The Stephanie Dinkins Kusama Scholarship
2021 - The Ashley Schiff Scholarship
2021 - The Office of Inclusion & Diversity, Stony Brook University
2019 - Cornell Cooperative, Riverhead
2018 - Teaching Assistant Fellowship, Stony Brook University
2017 - Southampton Writer’s Conferance

- 2024 Molly Gaudry, Writer
2021 - Michelle Whittaker, Poet
2020 - 2021 Tommy Wu, Composer
2018 - 2021 Fontanini Lab, Department of Neuroscience, Stony Brook, NY
2020 - Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Riverhead, NY
2017 - American Museum of Natural History, Marine Archives

Solo Exhibitions
- Suffolk County Community College (Forthcoming)
- The Developer’s Midnight Fantasy, Installation & Performance, Ashey Shiff Perserve, Stony Brook, NY
2021 - CANvas, Exhibition and Food Drive, Lawrence Alloway Gallery, Stony Brook, NY
2021 - A Wishful Gesture, with Tali Hinkis, Gallery North, Setauket, NY
2020 - #Shucked, Lawrence Alloway Gallery. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
2014 - Hanging on a thread, NYFA, East End Arts Council, Art Program, Riverhead Farmers Market, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 - BANNED! Artists Respond to Book Banning, Greenport, NY, Curated by Sally Grant
2024 - Into the spines and on the stacks, Patchoque Arts Council, MOCA LI, NY
2024 - Well Read, East End Arts, Riverhead, NY
2023 - Suffolk County Community College, Faculty Exhibition, East Campus, NY
2022- The Self Portrait, Gallery Aferro, Newark, NJ
2022 - Video projections, Gallery North, Setuaket, NY

2021 - Four, The Zuccaire Gallery, Stony Brook, NY
2021 - You and Me, Artist Films, Berlin, Germany
2019 - LOL, Museum of Contemporay Art, MOCA LI, Patchoque, NY
2019 - Nature, Gallery Serendip, Kobe, Japan
2019 - Contemporary Art LI, Farmingdale State College
2019 - Textures, AS I Studios, NYC 
2015 - Remembering Things Past, Isilip Museum, Islip, NY
2014 - Across the Pond, Dodd’s & Eder, Sag Harbor, NY
2014 - PAC MAC, Patchoque Arts, Patchoque, NY
2014 - AS I Studios, Orchard Street Galleries, NYC 

2013 - Front Street Galleries, Brooklyn, NY
2013 - The Living Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Permanent Collections
The Potato Farm Project
The Long Island Museum
Three Village Historical Society

Freuds, London
The Warehouse, London

Paul Smith, London

Special Projects
Complete Sentance
Action-spectacle https://www.action-spectacle.com/summer-2024-part-iii/waugh

Paddy Johnson, Wrkshop 
The New York Times
Man Made Music, NY
The Warehouse, UK
Doyle Partners, NY

The World Financial Center, NY
Raygun Magazine
Doctors Without Borders
Paul Smith, London

The Boston Globe
The LA Times

AIGA NYC chapter

2021 - “Raising Enviromental Awareness. through Art” sbstatesman.com
2021 - “Plastic caps and pine needles Expressing climate change anxiety through art”  sbpress.com
2015 - “Chalk another one up” Remembering things past - TBR News media
2014 - “Spring” - Hamptons art hub by Pat Rogers

Across the pond (Forthcoming)

Adjunct Art Professor, Suffolk County Community College


Artspeak Mix & Match:

Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
After Harryette Mullen

A. Abstraction, aesthetics, allegory, anatomy, Anthropocene, anthropomorphic, archetype, armature, artifice, artifacts, assemblage, avant-garde, authenticity, axiom, axiomatic B. Baroque, Bauhaus, biomorphic, bourgeois C. Calligraphy, carapace, canon, caricature, carotenoid, chiaroscuro, circularity, coexist, collage, commodification, composition, conceptual, contemporaneous, critique, cubism, color theory, classical, Byzantine D. Decadence, denote, denude, degradations, denominator, delineates, dialogical, detrimental, disjunction, dislocations, discern, destabilizing, discourse, dissensus E. Ecofemminist, ekphrastic, efface, endogenous, enlightenment, elucidate, equipoise, etymology, expressionism, euphemistically, exigencies F. Fabricate, facilitate, fecundity, figurability, formalism, fundamental, futurity G. Geologically, genealogy, genre, gestalt, gestural, generative, Gothic H. Heuristic, hucksterism, hierarchy, hyperobjects I. Iconography, impressionism, inchoate, inculcate, ineradicable, inimical, immutability, incomprehensible, iconoclasm, installations, interdisciplinary, interlocutor, interiority, inviolable J. Jouissance K. Kairo, kitsch L. Lacunae, litigiousness, liminalities, liturgical, luminosity M. Medieval, misology, misreading, mimesis, minimalism, materiality, monochrome, mutability, multifaceted, metaphorically, memento mori, modernism N. Nachleben, nachträglichkeit, neoclassicism, neologism, nonsensical, neutrality O. Obdurate, oneiric, ontology, ontological, ontic, op art, organon, oeuvre, Orientalism, overemphasize P. Paean, palpability, paradigmatic, paradigm, paradoxical, parergon, patriarchy, pastiching, pensée, percipient, pernicious, philological, physicality, phenomenological, plethora, philology, poiesis, polyphony, preliminaries, polis, pop art, pointillism, post-impressionism, propitious, prorogate, proselytism, protean, proliferated R. Rapprochement, recrudescence, recalcitrant, reenactment, reification, recitation, reconsolidation, reterritorialization, readymades, reciprocity, reformulated, recontextualizes, rhetoric, realism, rococo, romanticism S. Schema, schism, semiotic, seriality, sanguinary, sesquipedalian, sinewy, social realism, somatic, somnambulism, solipsism, specialism, subjectivity, surrealism, sfumato, symbolism, trompe l'oeil T. Temerity, terminus, terminology, temporality, territorialization, transgression, transactional, transfigured, transmogrify, triptych, tutelage U. Ubiquitous, unheimlich, utopia V. Validation, vernacular, vestige, Victorian, vicissitude, visibility, ventriloquize, vanitas W. Wabi-sabi

Annemarie Waugh