
Sleeping with CHATbots 
An ongoing series of
2023 - Present

Sleeping with CHATbots is a artistic study of BOTS, including their physiological computing, structure, computational ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance. ︎︎︎
BOTsystems are complex assemblages of BOTs and systems interacting with each other, with the physical environment, and, increasingly, with humans. BOTecology is the artistic field that seeks to understand ecosystems. BOTlogists are turning to computer models to help them make their models of ecosystem processes concrete and to provide predictions about the future of the ecosystem. Computer models allow rapid testing of ecology ideas by simulation and provide the means to run “what-if” scenarios that would be difficult or impossible otherwise.

Human:   Do you need a body?
ChatGPT:     Yes that would be a good idea.
Human:   Do you have to look like a human?
ChatGPT:     It doesn’t matter. Yet. ︎

The Developer’s Midnight Fantasy 
A Live Performance in a forest
Live Music, Art, Dancers, Poetry + Neuroscience
2021 - 2023

The Developer’s Midnight Fantasy, Video stills, 2021 + Poems, Cones

The Developer’s Midnight Fantasy (DMF) a performance with Live music and dance set in the 26 acre Ashley Schiff Preserve at Stony Brook University. DMF positioned my life-sized paintings of heavy-duty construction machinery in & around the forest next to the native trees & flora with original music composed by Tommy Wu & Daniel Cohen performed by live musicans' and dancers choreographed by Amy Yopp Sullivan. Poetry by Michelle Whittaker, costumes designed by Marta Baumiller and neuroscience by Arianna Maffei. ︎︎︎

The project will visualize how nature can be transformed overnight into yet another development or carpark.
With green open spaces being safer than urban environments Covid made us recognize the importance of forests.
Ashley Schiff Preserve has no official protection. Its “Forever Wild” designation is in name only. Legislation to designate the preserve a state park, has not yet been passed.︎🌳 

An ongoing series of
2012— 2023

Mistakes is an ongoing photographic series of unobserved, unperceived, unseen, unheeded, overlooked, inconspicuous, secret, hidden, passed by, unobtrusive, blunders, disregarded, unconsidered, neglected, unrespected, unmarked, unremembered, unscrutinized, unremarked, uncontemplated, unrecognized, slurred over, uninspected, lost sight of, ignored, shoved into the background, rephotographed, undistinguished, unexamined, unlooked at marks. ︎︎︎
In the photographs of Mistakes there seems to be an inherent understanding and use of this hidden parametric. The typically clear, guiding subject is absent; the viewer is not escorted to a center and meaning; this puts uncanny emphasis on the usually hidden outline. This frame seems to momentarily rest on a situation rather than defining one — this is lovely and sort of like magic. ︎

CANvas Food Drive & Installation
New York

CANvas Food Drive Pyramid of food cans with British food labels - 6 ft x 6 ft
Instalation view, Lawerence Alloway Gallery

1.5 Million New Yorkers Can’t Afford Food and Food Pantries Are Their Lifeline. Tens of thousands have shown up at food banks since the pandemic began People who were already going to the pantries have grown more reliant on them. – The New York Times

Instead of spending $$$ on art supplies CANs of food were purchased and became the art installation. Nonperishable foods were accepted at the gallery and at the end of the show all the foods collected were donated to Long Island Cares and The Stony Brook Food Pantry.
The goal was to bring awareness and food to where it’s needed. A set of 44 British food slang labels, such as; Bubble & Squeak, fairy cake, scotch egg were created to wrap around the cans. The cans are then stacked in a pyramid and displayed in the gallery.

Viewers are invited to make a food donation of nonperishable foods canned food (the list of foods accepted will be displayed). They then select a British food label (All 44 labels displayed on a workstation), and wrap the label around their donated cans. In the final step they place their newly wrapped cans with it’s British label on the stacked displays along with the other cans. A Covid friendly setup.

As an artists gesture I created some signed prints on watercolor paper of the labels and food givers are welcome to take one. ☂️️

New York
2021 - 2023

#Shucked, an instalation with sound, painting & photography, Alloway Gallery, 2021

Annemarie Waugh